Our Site
At Bridgewood families can access the following services and programs;
Primary School – Foundation – Year 6
3 & 4 year old kinder
Maternal Child Health Services
3 & 4 year old kinder
Quality kindergarten to amplify your child’s development
Enrolling your child in a quality three and four-year-old kindergarten program is a proven way to amplify their early development. Kindergarten works alongside home-based learning, equipping children with the skills and confidence they need to start school well.
About Playgroup
Playgroups bring young children, parents, families and communities together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction. Playgroups help parents and caregivers build social and support networks that encourage and assist them in their valuable parenting role.
They help families to have fun and relax and to build friendships that last beyond playgroup. Playgroups work best when they are inclusive of all, creating an open, welcoming and friendly environment for all children and their families, no matter their circumstances, backgrounds or cultural identity.
At playgroup you get to meet other people going through similar experiences, ease the isolation that can come with caring for young children and find out about local community, health and support services.
Maternal Child Health Services
Your Maternal and Child Health service visits
When you visit a Maternal and Child Health centre, the nurse will review your child’s health, growth and development. The nurse will also talk to you about your own health and how your experience as a parent of a new baby has been so far.
The staff and learning programs
At Bridgewood, staff are appointed on the basis of their understanding of the importance of educating the whole child and making learning time matter. They know how to develop strong relationships with students and their families. They have a continuous focus on supporting a child’s development and their learning using evidence-based strategies, particularly to develop skills for life long learning. Staff have high expectations and support every child to succeed through explicit teaching, ongoing monitoring, time given to practise skills and effective feedback.
Instruction takes place in flexible groupings capitalising on the modifiable working spaces that are available. The instructional model (the way teachers teach) enables the development of the whole child and is flexible in order to meet the needs of each child. Learning is positive, interesting and enriching. The education program gives every child the chance to succeed, to flourish and to reach their full potential. Teachers encourage students to find and develop their passions. Teacher nurture and develop the strengths in every child. They work cooperatively with parents and families and they collaborate with relevant stakeholders to create an effective learning environment.
The ultimate aim of the learning journey is for each child to become confident, competent, resilient and well educated individuals who are ready to take on life’s challenges and who have the skills and knowledge to make a success of whatever they choose to do. We are preparing our students for a world in which they will require not only academic capabilities but also the skills of collaboration and creativity. Technology is interwoven into the lives of the students and therefore they need to have access to learning how to become users and designers of technology. It is paramount that a collaborative partnership is established between home and school to support the learning of our students.
The Community
Bridgewood is a site with a rationale grounded in effective learning and teaching and the integration of community facilities into our Community Hub. Bridgewood was designed as an integral part of the ‘Officer Educational Precinct’ a community hub from birth through the maternal child health services, transitioning into kindergarten and then primary school. The foundations are established for the seamless integration of learning and teaching for the students’ birth to year 6. The values and vision of the school have been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, thus creating a contemporary learning environment designed to meet the needs of the community. The school has a key focus on child centred, lifelong learning, from birth through to year 6. Close collaboration occurs with Officer Secondary College and Officer Specialist School as this is imperative for the Officer Education Precinct.
The school has been designed to incorporate how students and wider school community will access the school, children’s centre and the public reserve and promotes well-being and community engagement.
All spaces within the precinct have been considered together with the location and potential for the community to utilise the school facilities after school hours.
The school will include a full-size internal netball/basketball court and integrated sporting facilities.
The early learning centre will offer:
- Kindergarten and community facilities
- Maternal Health Centre
- Consulting Rooms and Wait Area
- Community Room
- Early Childhood Intervention Services Room
- OSHC facility (after hours care)
About Bridgewood
Previously Gum Scrub Creek PS
In the 2015/16 and 2016/17 state budget announcements, Gum Scrub Creek Primary School received $5.4 million in for site acquisition and $13 million for planning and construction of the new school. Located in the Cardinia Shire, this new school will address new suburbs in the growth corridor areas of Officer and Pakenham. Gum Scrub Creek Primary School will complement the overall Officer Education Precinct, located adjacent to the site shared by Officer Secondary College and Officer Specialist School.
Through strong local governance and partnership, Cardinia Shire have agreed to contribute land (0.4ha) and a $3 million capital investment towards this facility, to build and deliver a fully integrated child and family centre within the school setting. The early learning spaces will be constructed inside the school’s Prep learning community building, facilitating full integration of early learning and primary schooling. This will support professionals to collaborate and deliver enhanced learning, development and wellbeing opportunities for every child and family.
Gum Scrub Creek Primary School will cater for Prep to Grade 6 students housed in four Learning Communities. The school is designed for a long-term enrolment in excess of 451 students with a peak enrolment of approximately 900. The child and family centre comprises two Kindergarten rooms and an occasional care/community space along with consulting rooms for Maternal and Child Health and visiting practitioners.
Site and primary perspective
Bridgewood is a site with a primary school and a fully integrated child and family centre under the same roofline. There is a shared vision across the site ensuring that all key stakeholders are contributing to the same vision and are working as one to improve student outcomes. The facility is designed to ensure the seamless transition of students from maternal and child health to kinder and through to primary school. The curriculum and the facility design support a consistency that is replicated across the year levels. Professionals collaborate to deliver enhanced learning, development and wellbeing opportunities for every child and family.
Bridgewood caters for babies in the Maternal and Child Health program through to primary school, Foundation to Grade 6. Students in the primary years are housed in four Learning Communities. Each Learning Community works together to enhance the learning outcomes of every child. Learning Community 1 includes kinder and foundation students. The other Learning Communities have two year levels in each Learning Community: 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6.
The school has been designed for a long-term enrolment in excess of 451 students with a peak enrolment of approximately 900. The child and family centre comprises two Kindergarten rooms and an occasional care/community space along with consulting rooms for Maternal and Child Health and visiting practitioners.
Bridgewood is part of a ground breaking precinct that embodies lifelong learning and community ownership. Teaching spaces allow for full implementation of a Professional Leaning Community approach. Integrated planning and delivery, reflecting on the impact of teaching practice, professional interaction and activation of student voice all form part of the PLC approach. This approach uses evidence-based, high impact teaching and learning strategies that are all central to the educational vision. Learning Communities are designed around modifiable spaces that accommodate multiple learning approaches and can flexibly respond to the requirements of students and staff, creating a sense of shared ownership, inclusion and successful learning.
The facilities have been designed to overcome traditional barriers in education and create an integrated practice that supports learners from birth through to the end of primary schooling. A shared practice of this nature will also position the school to engage parents in supporting the learning of their child through the whole learning journey. Local community, cultural events, spaces and their accessibility will reinforce a sense of belonging and wellbeing for every child and their family.
Students and teachers utilise technology to achieve collaboration, research and creation. The school enables learners to investigate ideas collaboratively, encourage learners to create, refine, reflect on and publish their work, facilitating peer-to-peer teaching and engagement, and mobilising social networks for authentic inquiries or investigations.
Staff in each learning community are collectively responsible for the wellbeing and learning outcomes of the students within that community. Staff work collaboratively to share the achievement levels of every student and to plan for student learning needs. The learning programs are differentiated to meet the needs of each student and fluid groupings enable explicit teaching to occur at each child’s point of need. The curriculum has a heavy focus on literacy and numeracy acquisition with Passion and Choice Education (P.A.C.E) being undertaken by all students over the course of the week. There is an explicit focus on the development of fundamental literacy and numeracy skills where automaticity is the end goal to ensure effective application of these skills when problem solving and transferring the learning to different situations.
Bridgewood is committed to providing a child safe and friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students. Please refer to the policies tab for further information.
School Council
2024 Members
Peter Woolsey – President
Kerry Coffey – Principal
Bradley Hamilton – Vice President
Maree Jarrett – Assistant Principal
Melissa Miszkowiec
Jamie Love
Kong Seng Yong – Treasurer
Ashley White
Adele Letch
Laura McCully
Natasha Umair
Camp Australia
Camp Australia – Guiding Children’s Growth
We are proud to partner with Camp Australia to provide our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program.
Camp Australia programs are centered on child enrichment, while ensuring a reliable, engaging, and hassle-free OSHC service at our school. Their engaged educators foster a safe, inclusive environment where children can relax, have fun, and grow.
Your OSHC – OSHC that inspires
At Your OSHC by Camp Australia, every before school, after school and pupil free day program is tailored to the likes and interests of each child in service. Camp Australia’s educators design enriching experiences to inspire your children’s confidence, independence and imagination. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more – they believe in learning through experience so that each child can grow.
Rocketeers – Extraordinary Holiday Adventures
Rocketeers by Camp Australia is a space for children to escape the ordinary and experience the extraordinary during their school holidays. Every school holiday break is a new mission for children to embark upon. With carefully designed programs, directed by the children and informed by family feedback, no two days are the same with Rocketeers. Experiences planned could include games, arts & crafts, sport, excursions, cooking, coding and more.
Click here to find out more about Camp Australia’s program at your school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child. Register now for free.
Bridgewood Child Safety Responding Reporting.docx
Bridgewood Student Wellbeing Engagement .docx (1)
Bridgewood Child Safety CoC.docx
Bridgewood Volunteer Induction.docx.docx
Bridgewood Values Philosophy.docx
Bridgewood Health Care Needs.docx
Bridgewood First Aid.docx.docx
Bridgewood Duty Of Care Policy.docx
Bridgewood Complaints Policy.docx
Bridgewood Child Safety And Wellbeing Policy.docx
Bridgewood Bullying Policy.docx
Bridgewood Anaphylaxis Policy.docx (1)
Bridgewood Administration Of Medication.docx.docx